A History of Spring Cleaning

spring cleaningSpring evokes a sense of newness and revival and with that has evolved the idea of ‘spring cleaning’.  Depending on where and when you grew up there was probably some version of ‘spring cleaning’ that you may remember as a kid.

Historically when we look at spring cleaning, people have been doing it for centuries.  If you grew up in the time before vacuum cleaners you would open up the windows in the spring and let the wind blow through and ‘dust’ for you.  Before clothes dryers and dry cleaning was invented it was the time of year to hang rugs and draperies outside to let the fresh air blow through them.  In Judaism the Passover ritual of cleansing the house of ‘leavened’ bread also happens in the spring.

For me growing up in the northeast meant that the winters were cold and sometimes long, our ritual of ‘spring cleaning’ was something that my mother planned well in advance and looked forward to.  My mother is 74 and just last week she said to me(no joke), “I am planning on starting my spring cleaning next week…”

So what is this idea of spring cleaning anyway?  What it boils down to is a deep and thorough cleaning of the home and all of it’s contents.  It is a time to go through closets and drawers and reorganize, throw out and give away things that are cluttering up your home.  It is a time to open up the windows and get the stale air out and get the fresh air in.  It is rejuvenating for you as well as your home.

Cleaning and packing away winter clothes is part of this ritual and sometimes you just  “need more storage”. Let Red Bin Storage become part of your NEW ‘Spring Cleaning Ritual’!  If you have never had a ‘spring cleaning ritual’ there is no time like the present to start.

I personally have my own version of how and when I do my spring cleaning and part of that ritual for me is sharing my ‘start date’ with my Mom.




*Sigh* Summer is Over…

YTB_0380You have already seen the ‘back to school’ advertisements on TV and in the papers.  I even saw Halloween decorations at one retailer the other day!

You know what that means…it’s time to pack up your bikini, flip flops and summer gear.  It’s sad to see the summer go but is even sadder to be bogged down with boxes falling on your head because you just don’t have the space you need to store seasonal items.

Let Red Bin take the chaos and clutter out of your life.   We will deliver 4 Sturdy plastic Bins to you. You can pack up your seasonal items and will come back and store them for you in our temperature controlled storage and distribution center.

Bins for College Students


College students moving into dorms are usually faced with the daunting task of trying to find a place for all of their belongings in a much smaller space then they are used to. In addition, most college students moving into their dorms in August in New York are coming dressed in summer clothes. However, they need to pack all of their winter gear and have it available to them as the warm days turn cooler and then cold….if not snowing! The problem is there is only so much room and closet space in the dorms and you don’t want to encroach on your roommates’ space. Parents want to pack everything at once instead of having to ship boxes of items which can be very costly.

Red Bin Storage on demand solves this problem for students, their roommates and parents.

Using the mobile app students can now request bins to be delivered to their rooms. They can pack their seasonal items or items that they aren’t using right away and gain some much needed space. We can even take larger items like sporting equipment that won’t fit it a bin. Red Bin will pick up your items and store them in our secure climate controlled distribution center. When the weather turns cooler and you need your down coat and boots, we can deliver an entire bin back to you or just individual items.

The Red Bin mobile app has made this transition to college for students and parents easier than ever!